Poker is like life quote

5 Ways Poker Is Like Real Life - PokerLivePro In life, we don’t get advanced warning when something terrible will happen. The same can be said for poker.Shit happens. In life and at the poker table. We all have to deal with disappointment or loss at one point or another and the way we deal with it is what makes all the difference. Poker Quotes - Sad Quotes about Poker

Streetcar Named Desire - Quotes + Analysis study guide by MrHearl includes 51 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. Life Like Poker Quotes: top 8 quotes about Life Like … “Life is just like the game of poker, you never know what cards you will get. Sitting against the people, you can either win with the king or live on a joker. Many times in life you are forced to play the blind bet, and achieve overwhelming success, with loads of cash in your pocket or you may reach disastrous... Poker quotes about life 2. “Life, like poker, has an element of risk. It shouldn’t be avoided.56. “Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes playing a poor hand well.” ~ Jack London. 57. “The strong point in poker is never to lose your temper, either with those you are playing or, more particularly with the...

Apr 29, 2015 · Quotations about Poker. And spades, the emblems of untimely graves. Poker is a microcosm of all we admire and disdain about capitalism and democracy. Baseball is like a poker game. Poker is to cards and games what jazz is to music. It's this great American thing, born and bred here. Hold'em — like life itself — has its defining moment.

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Life is Poker, and it’s Your Turn to Play – The Mission –…

Poker Quotes - BrainyQuote

Game Quotes, Playing Games Quotes, Casino Quotes, Gambling Quotes, Poker Quotes, .... Life is like a game of poker; you have to play the hand you're dealt.

And when you find one that speaks “poker” on Maui, you grab each other like a life preserver, feeling like you met a soulmate in the ABC store over Vanilla Macadamia Nut coffee, one that knows who Phil Ivey is. Poker Quotes - Famous Quotations and Sayings Poker Quotes, Movie Quotes, Online Poker, Poker Themes ,poker skins, Quotation from Doyle Brunson, Quotation from James Woods, Quote from the TV Poker Strategies.

Ok, so I watched an interesting clip of a guy called Rick Warren talking to Oprah about life and how he viewed it and I absolutely loved it, and I just had to write a blog post to sum the good stuff up! Keeping it simple the analogy is this: Life is like a game of poker.

Gambling Quotes & Proverbs - Favorite Gambling Quotes No compilation of poker quotes would be complete without at least one from Doyle Brunson. Brunson is a two time World Series of Poker Main Event champion, member of the Poker Hall of Fame, and one of the most famous poker players of all time. This quote from him, although somewhat simplistic, pretty much sums up what poker is all about. Life is like a game of poker - Positively Positive!! Life is like a game of poker — you have to play the hand you’re dealt…But a wise player can play what seems to be a weak hand and win the game. Life Is Like Poker - Quotes - IMDb

Sensational Quotes about Gambling for Smart People Including Gambling Tips and Quotations about Las Vegas Casinos. Sensational Quotes for Smart People : ... Life is like a poker game. You deal or are dealt to. Your success depends on skill, luck, and creativity. You bet, check, bluff, and raise. Holdem Secrets Article - Best Poker Quotes